About Me
<---this is me
Name: Julie
Age: 18
Location: Vancouver Island, BC
Likes: All Night Dance Parties *w00t* [aka, raves...yes..I like to rave...shuddap], Trance, Dj's,Computers, Chatting on mIRC, my best buds[The Duncan Grrlz!], Those good lookin' Victoria boys or good looking guys in general[what a lame thing to say...*smacks self* hehe], Hockey, the Canucks, Softball, Snowboarding, hot tubs, toques, baby blue, hats, roots, campino's, cuddles, coffee on the moon, wednesdays, weekends, feather boa's, money, shopping, being in love, ....there's probably more things I like...I'll add them later =)
DisLikes: Bitterness, insomnia, my job, being insanely bored...once again...I know there are more things I dis-like, but my mind's at a blank right now...add more later.